I don't really experienced constipation throughout my life. That's why, when I delivered Ee Shuen, Dr asked me to push as if I'm having constipation. Oh dear, when's the last time I had constipation? How to push, can't remember? Haha!
On last Saturday morning, poor little Ee Shuen hinted that she want to " ng ng". But, when i asked her to pass motion, she hold her fingers tight, and start to cry because she had difficulty to do so.
It was the second time already she has constipation, The first time is on 3 days ao, Wednesday.
Pity little Ee Shuen. Daddy switched on baby Eistein DVD for her, not helping! Still crying.... Mummy take her to the balcony for scenery, can't help also!
Then, Mummy decided to let her have a rest before continue " ng ng ". We can see 'something' already coming out.
After one minute, we continue our mission. She cried awhile, and finally she managed to pass motion!
Phew! I thought mission completed. But when i saw the poop, oh dear! there's blood together!
Her anus was also with blood stain.
We decided to bring her to the peds.
What's the peds told us is we should not immediately switched her from Step 1 ( for babies from 0 to 6 months ) to Step 2 ( for babies from 6 to 12 months ) when she's 6 months.
Doctor advised us to continue with Step 1 till 12 months because Ee Shuen might not digest well with Step 2.
Ok, let's give it a try.
She also been prescibed with lactose syrup ( soften the for this moment, so she don't feel so painful ) & zinc cream ( for faster recovery as there's a cut there ).
Since we went to see peds, we also request for pneumococcal injection. First time injecting this vaccine!
Today is 2nd Aug 2007,luckily she's alright now. Can passed motion everyday! Yippy!