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Monday, June 20, 2011

Attending Sunday Mass at The Grotto

We attended open air mass for the first time last sunday at The Grotto. It was a beautiful place and thank God the rain did not come as the weather forecast predicted 30% chances of rain on that day. Below is some picture of the place and description of it.

This beautiful 62-acre Catholic shrine and botanical garden is located in Portland, Oregon. “The Grotto” is the popular name of The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother. It is a non-profit organization supported solely by the proceeds of its gift shop and by donations. It is administered by the Order of Friars Servants of Mary, USA Province.

The Grotto strives to provide a welcoming presence and a beautiful environment conducive to peace, quiet, and spiritual inspiration. The Grotto offers understanding, compassion, support and hope through a variety of ministries including counseling, education, spiritual direction and liturgical celebrations. The Grotto endeavors to serve all people.

With its fir trees, colorful rhododendrons and other native plants, The Grotto is an inviting destination for all. An internationally-renowned Catholic shrine and botanical garden, The Grotto provides a spiritual and peaceful retreat for more than 200,000 visitors each year from all faiths and all walks of life. Visitors are delighted to discover this 62-acre green space just minutes from downtown Portland.

The heart of the shrine is Our Lady’s Grotto, a rock cave carved into the base of a 110-foot cliff. A life-size marble replica of Michelangelo’s PietĂ  is featured in its center.

The Grotto’s Chapel of Mary, Gift Shop, Conference Center and Visitor Complex are located on the plaza level with Our Lady’s Grotto. On The Grotto’s upper level, visitors are delighted to discover the manicured gardens, religious artwork, and beautiful panoramic views of the Columbia River Valley, the Cascades and Mt. St. Helens. Also on the upper level are the cliff side Meditation Chapel and the Servite Monastery.

In addition to its beautiful gardens, The Grotto offers comfort, support, and healing through The Grotto Counseling Center and The Grotto Spirituality Program.

1 comment:

giddy tigress said...

It's beautiful! What a lovely way to be in God's presence!