Ee Shuen woke up at about 7am the next morning. Everybody woke up by her "alarm". Since outside is still cold, she wore a knitted sweater when she was in the balcony ( Mummy used to wear this last time ).

After our breakfast, we decided to visit Sg Palas Plantation. As mummy can remembered, the last trip that i went to tea plantation is during my primary school days. The plantation is accessible from a small road turn a few kilometres north of Brinchang town. The road leading to the plantation village and Boh Tea Centre is indeed very narrow and winded that you will need to generously use your car honking signal to indicate that your vehicle is approaching. If that is not enough, there are portions of the road that can only fit one car at one time, so if your timing is not right, either one of you will need to reverse your car to let the others pass through.
We saw beautiful lanscape where tea trees are grown in the hills in rows.
It was really relaxing when we sit down at the Tea Shop sipping tea, while enjoying the beautiful scenary in a cooling environment. However, our baby Ee Shuen take her nap again when we reached the plantation. She woke up when we arrived the Tea Shop. Managed to snap some photos with her!

We took a family photo in front of the resort before we left. Hope we'll have more family trips to come! Yippy!!