Saturday, December 30, 2006
feel like menstrual pain & diarrhea...
Mummy was feeling something like menstrual pain at about 4:05am. went to the toilet 3 times, feel like diarrhea ( according to the resources from net, one of the sign that you're in labor is Cramps that feel like intestinal upset: You feel cramping that seems like the onset of diarrhea, and you may actually experience diarrhea. ) So, am i going to deliver baby girl soon? mummy shall wait and see.....
final countdown - 8 days to go!

Visit gynae again on the 30th December 2006. This visit was a fast one, i think because there's many patients waiting for him today. as usual, gynae start up with check mummy's blood pressure. After that, ultrasound and your photo been taken again.My dear baby girl is 39 weeks now and gynae estimate your weight should be around 3kg.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
God's Miracle at work

This is the 1st photo taken of dear baby girl by the GP that break the news to mummy and daddy. Here we only can see the gestational sac on 4th May 2006.

On 4th June 2006 ( approximately 9 weeks 3 days ), baby girl was only 28.8mm.

Hey! can you see me now? I'm about 13 weeks now on the 1st July comfortable inside here...

I'm 18 weeks 3 days now... weights 245g.......on the 5th August 2006. Mummy can see your back bone so clearly....

9th September 2006, gynae said baby girl is about 23 weeks 4 days now with 659g already....

gynae said can't measured baby girl's weight already on the 28weeks and 2 days. Baby girl's head was too low. And baby girl position was so low until gynae advised not to carry heavy things ( more than 5kg ) and don't walk too fast, incase prematured labour.

baby girl is 30 weeks now with 1545g.... photo taken on the 29th October 2006. 10 more weeks to go.....

It's 32 weeks now.... gynae said baby girl is about 2074kg now. If baby is more than 32 weeks or above 2kg, even early delivery it should be alright.... becuase of baby girl's position is too low, gynae afraid baby girl will come out earlier. - dated 11th November 2006

Can't measure how heavy baby girl is on the 9th of December girl is 35 weeks and 5 days now....

This is baby girl's photo taken by gynae on the 23rd December 2006, that's almost 38 weeks. this is the thigh bone according to the gynae. Doctor can't get the exact measurement for baby girl's head ( because baby girl's head already attached to the pelvics ), therefore can only get an estimation about baby girl's weight ( because if we need to calcualte baby's weight, one of the measurement that we need is baby's head ). baby girl now weight about 2.688kg.........
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Granny preparing rice wine for mommy's delivery

Here we have granny preparing the traditional rice wine for mummy after delivery. It is an old chinese tradition for mom to consume home made rice wine after delivery. According to granny the rice wine need 100 days to be made. Detail recipe is not to be shared here as this is a recipe past down through many generations :). The rice wine can be consume as it is or cooked with chicked making steam drunken chicken dish.

According to granny the rice wine will help nurse mommy back to pink health after delivery, cleaning the blood and air in the tummy :).
Saturday, December 23, 2006
More shopping and more toys for Baby Girl
Yeah...... it has been a quite eventful Christmas season for baby girl, daddy and mummy. We have bought quite a few stuff for baby girl.
First of all a crib for our dear baby girl. We chose quite a big crid, apprently an american size baby bed. The mattress had to be made specially for it, as we could not find any ready made mattress that fit into the bed.

And here we have bought the singing Mr. Octopus to accompany Baby Girl at night.
First of all a crib for our dear baby girl. We chose quite a big crid, apprently an american size baby bed. The mattress had to be made specially for it, as we could not find any ready made mattress that fit into the bed.

And here we have bought the singing Mr. Octopus to accompany Baby Girl at night.
And then to keep our Baby girl occupied we have got her the floor gym, that can be taken out as xylophone and a rocking chair.
Getting baby girl her set of wheels (strollers)
Its tough being a parents..... its also tough preparing for the arrival for our baby girl too :). We were looking to get out baby girl her set of wheels, that is her very first stroller. Looking around we found that we were really spoilt of choices.... even in penang it self. From the most expensive that is almost 2K to the cheapest that is sub rm100.
Of course we sought the advise of the most experience parents we know, and the most up to date to the current trend in preparing for the arrival of our baby girl..... my sister and brother in-law. Their advise is.... get the lightest you could find.
Armed with that advise we started our journey looking for our stroller. We visited numerous shopping malls and shops, from local brand to imported brand, korean, japanese, american and malaysian. Local brand were not too expensive below rm500, but we were quite dissapointed with the quality. Trying to fold the strollers were a challenge itself, and the best part is after getting it to fold we saw parts dropping off, so thats it.... next brand PLEASE. The next shop we visited was the brand of stroller that my sister was currently using. It was about ~rm500...... We had nearly made up our mind to get it, but we hang on to the decision to look out for other brands..... A long the way we also hear a lot of complains about that brand of stroller.... in the end we ended up with a supposed ly a branded stroller that is a little pricey :( but very light and easily folded.
Part of being light is always the best choice so that mommy and granny could easily carry it around and putting it into the trunk of the car. We could also easily bring it along in our vacation with baby girl on our visit to zoo negara, sentosa island and vatican city.
Of course we sought the advise of the most experience parents we know, and the most up to date to the current trend in preparing for the arrival of our baby girl..... my sister and brother in-law. Their advise is.... get the lightest you could find.
Armed with that advise we started our journey looking for our stroller. We visited numerous shopping malls and shops, from local brand to imported brand, korean, japanese, american and malaysian. Local brand were not too expensive below rm500, but we were quite dissapointed with the quality. Trying to fold the strollers were a challenge itself, and the best part is after getting it to fold we saw parts dropping off, so thats it.... next brand PLEASE. The next shop we visited was the brand of stroller that my sister was currently using. It was about ~rm500...... We had nearly made up our mind to get it, but we hang on to the decision to look out for other brands..... A long the way we also hear a lot of complains about that brand of stroller.... in the end we ended up with a supposed ly a branded stroller that is a little pricey :( but very light and easily folded.
Part of being light is always the best choice so that mommy and granny could easily carry it around and putting it into the trunk of the car. We could also easily bring it along in our vacation with baby girl on our visit to zoo negara, sentosa island and vatican city.
This year's experience of haze
We had a bad experience of haze this year..... It has been coming now and then from year to year. We are very worried if it is going to happen again next year, as our baby will be born soon, and if it will hamper our baby girls lung development. Hopefull the rightfull authorities are making an effort exterminate this dreadful pollution.
Anyway we saw a used car website blogger that shared the same setiment. You can read it here
Excerp for it;
Not this time, not this year, I HAVE GOT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. What drives me even more to do something about it is, I am going to be a father, next year. I do not want my baby to born into the world to fill her lungs with forest smokes.
I am telling our neighbor out there, that I have a choice, I can choose. It is going to be a tit for tat, I am going to BOYCOTT all goods that is being made by our neighboring country.
We certainly hope we do not have to go down that path, but if needed, we are with him.
Anyway we saw a used car website blogger that shared the same setiment. You can read it here
Excerp for it;
Not this time, not this year, I HAVE GOT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. What drives me even more to do something about it is, I am going to be a father, next year. I do not want my baby to born into the world to fill her lungs with forest smokes.
I am telling our neighbor out there, that I have a choice, I can choose. It is going to be a tit for tat, I am going to BOYCOTT all goods that is being made by our neighboring country.
We certainly hope we do not have to go down that path, but if needed, we are with him.
Eagerly waiting for baby girl on the season of advent. Merry Christmas!!

Yes... mummy and daddy are eagerly waiting for our dear baby girl on the season of advent. According to our gynae.... 15 more days to go
Monday, December 18, 2006
knee pain....
mummy starts to feel painful when squad down... feel like an old women... haha. i think should be due to a lot of walking during last weekends as granpa, grandma, aunty su wei, suyan came to penang. We did a lot of shopping.......
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