Its tough being a parents..... its also tough preparing for the arrival for our baby girl too :). We were looking to get out baby girl her set of wheels, that is her very first stroller. Looking around we found that we were really spoilt of choices.... even in penang it self. From the most expensive that is almost 2K to the cheapest that is sub rm100.
Of course we sought the advise of the most experience parents we know, and the most up to date to the current trend in preparing for the arrival of our baby girl..... my sister and brother in-law. Their advise is.... get the lightest you could find.
Armed with that advise we started our journey looking for our stroller. We visited numerous shopping malls and shops, from local brand to imported brand, korean, japanese, american and malaysian. Local brand were not too expensive below rm500, but we were quite dissapointed with the quality. Trying to fold the strollers were a challenge itself, and the best part is after getting it to fold we saw parts dropping off, so thats it.... next brand PLEASE. The next shop we visited was the brand of stroller that my sister was currently using. It was about ~rm500...... We had nearly made up our mind to get it, but we hang on to the decision to look out for other brands..... A long the way we also hear a lot of complains about that brand of stroller.... in the end we ended up with a supposed ly a branded stroller that is a little pricey :( but very light and easily folded.
Part of being light is always the best choice so that mommy and granny could easily carry it around and putting it into the trunk of the car. We could also easily bring it along in our vacation with baby girl on our visit to zoo negara, sentosa island and vatican city.
Vatican City? When are you going?
we are thinking of bringing baby girl there when she is 2
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