Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Crater Lake

Yesterday was Labour Day. We took the opportunity to visit Crater Lake National Park, the deepest lake in the United States. We drove there on Sunday morning and the journey was about 4 1/2 hours. The kids were quite cooperative during the journey, as they slept and took their lunch in the car.

Crater Lake was fed by rain and snow ( but no rivers or strams ), and the lake is considered to be the cleanest large body of water in the world. THe water is exceptional for its clarity and intense blue colour.

The lake rests inside a caldera formed approximately 7700 years ago when a 12000-foot-tal volcano collapsed following by a major eruption. The eruption may have been the largest in North America in the past 640,000 years.

This park was established in 1902, and the size is almost 183,000 acres. Almost 500,000 visitors come over to this park per year. Today, old-growth forests and open meadows blanket the volcano's outer slopes, harboring a variety of plants and animals, including several rare species.

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