Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 2, 2011

First visit to hillsboro public library

There is a library near our house and we used to go there every fortnight, to borrow story books for the three girls, especially ES.

It had been few weeks we did not do so, as we need to settle down and the timing was not right.

Finally, we went to the public library last Sunday, after the girls wake up from their afternoon nap. We are amazed on the materials,  services and activities provided/ organised. There are ongoing activities such as game days ( play Wii and board games ), Friday family flicks ( family-friendly movies ), Mother daughter book group, family storytime. Clown show, Fingerplay camp....

We had a fruitful trip as we managed to borrow some story books, potty kit ( which consists of all books related to potty, poop or pee... ) and a set of leapfrog school house.

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